Social responsibility
we are doing
Offer business chance to employee
Offering career planning business chance with financing, human-resource and other supports to employee.
Environment protecting
Organizing collective activity to make the park’s environment more beautiful,including watering and adding soil to trees and flowers, clearing up dry branch,plastic bags and empty the garbage. Every time we finish the job , we truly feel proud of ourselves and keep passion with environmental activities.
blood donation
Organizing blood donation by company annually.
Volunteer Practicing
Organizing employee to take part in volunteer activities by company regularly.
we are planning
Care about disadvantaged social groups
Organizing to go and visit lonely aged people and orphans by company annually.
Help needy school
Travel for Love: Help needy school directly by contributor from company and employee.
Travel for love proposes company and employee to donate to needy school yearly.
Love is about sharing, about power, about responsibility and also about proud. Welcome to join us, work for love and take the responsibility for society together !